Knitting Mini Sweaters

The other day I was cleaning my room at school and I found the spool of yarn I used to knit my mini sweater. Anna, do you remember when you Mariko, and I took knitting classes at Abuelita’s? We were so excited because we found these patterns for miniature sweaters, but didn’t even know how to knit! So, we signed ourselves up for those ridiculously priced classes and were on our way. After classes ended on Tuesdays(?), we made the short, but amusing walk down to South Pas. I still remember looking at our teacher with huge eyes because I couldn’t figure out how she casted on so quickly. To this day, I still can’t cast on the way she did. Afterward, we loved our post-class Buster’s. The three of us would just sit and talk about the frustration of working with tiny needles and thin yarn. I remember dropping those double-pointed needles constantly. I miss our little knitting parties and I wish we had many so many more sweaters. Love you always.

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